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FULL WOLF MOON CRYSTAL CEREMONY with Lea Garnier (Virtual Offering)

The howling of wolves was often heard at this time of year. It was traditionally thought that wolves howled due to hunger, but we now know that wolves use howls to define territory, locate pack members, reinforce social bonds, and gather for hunting.  

In addition, Native American cultures typically hold a lot of respect—not fear—for wolves, so this month’s Moon name should be viewed with that in mind, too.

This moon occurs when the Sun aligns with Jupiter lending us optimism and courage to pursue what's in our hearts.

December 31

FULL COLD MOON & NEW YEARS EVE CEREMONY with Lea Garnier (Virtual Offering)

February 13

NEW MOON SOUND & REIKI CEREMONY with Lea Garnier & Kara Suzanne (Virtual Offering)