What Is SoundHealing?
“If we accept that sound is vibration and we know that vibration touches every part of our physical being, then we understand that sound is heard not only through our ears but through every cell in our bodies. One reason sound heals on a physical level is because it so deeply touches and transforms us on the emotional and spiritual planes. Sound can redress imbalances on every level of physiologic functioning and can play a positive role in the treatment of virtually any medical disorder.”
— Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, director of Medical Oncology and Integrative Medicine, the Cornell Cancer Prevention Center in New York.
Sound is fast regaining its place as the pre-eminent healing modality. First used by the ancients, sound therapy has undergone a period of re-discovery and is now poised to reveal the intricacies of healing at the cellular and psychological levels.
Fundamental principles of sound healing
The most important principle of sound healing may be Resonance, a word with several implications. In human healing, resonance can be described as the frequency of vibration natural to a specific organ or body system (such as the heart or the respiratory system). This innate frequency is known as the prime resonance.
All cells emit sound frequencies at the cellular level due to their metabolic processes. Further, the cell’s sounds interact with those imposed by the environment, including sound healing devices. The resonance principle implies cellular absorption of the introduced healing sounds and/or their harmonics. In sound healing, resonance principles are engaged to re-harmonize cells imprinted with disruptive frequencies. Such troublesome imprints may have resulted from toxic substances, emotional traumas, pathogens, or long-term exposure to noise pollution.
Through the current flourishing of research in the field, the ancient art of sound healing is rapidly developing into a new and honoured science. There is now a mass of research into the healing benefits of ultrasound, including its use in breaking up kidney stones and shrinking tumors. In addition, infrasound and audible sound are now also recognized as having immense healing properties.
Sound also acts upon cellular ion channels to elicit a healing response. Situated within a cellular membrane, ion channels are how the cell receives nourishment and communicates with neighboring cells. In dysfunctional cells, it is believed that some of these vital channels are shut down, causing cells to literally fall asleep. In this hypothesis, sound opens the closed channels, supporting the cell's awakening and resuming normal functioning and replication.
Another key aspect of sound healing is “cymatics,” the study of wave phenomena pioneered by Swiss medical doctor and natural scientist Hans Jenny (1904-1972). Jenny discovered that he could use sound to animate inert powders, pastes, and liquids into life-like, flowing forms that mirror patterns throughout nature, art and architecture. Moreover, these patterns were created using simple sine wave vibrations (pure tones) within the audible range. Sound creates a dynamic mandala-like pattern in every water molecule of your physical body, and since the body is 60% water, the effect on your whole system is quite effective. Thus, we see a physical representation of vibration, how sound manifests in form through the medium of various materials. "In the beginning was the word..." takes on a whole new meaning while looking at these experiments!
The Sound Of All Silences
We live in a world of frequency. Everything around us vibrates and makes sound. Sounds we are aware of and unaware of. The sounds we can hear consciously make up the reality we know so far, and based on the architectural range of our hearing, we literally "sound the world to life”. A new range of sound awareness is being felt, and unheard sounds are becoming a significant part of sound healing. The energy of sound vibrates and creates all things. The reality of our universe consists of energy waves which vibrate at different speeds. Our neurons vibrate to our thought patterns and send electromagnetic energy to the world around us.
"The vibrational frequency in which we operate will attract a similar vibration to ourselves like attracts like. The experiences of our lives are a direct result of our vibrational state; our thought patterns and feelings send frequencies around us that will attract what we are already processing."
Matter is made of a molecular structure and space. As our scientists (and ancient Sages from the Vedic and Buddhist traditions) have told us, no object is really solid; rather, it vibrates at different speeds, making the object appear solid. Objects are made of atoms and quarks vibrating at different speeds, giving the impression of solidity. Our world is a world of exchange of vibrational energies and sound.
In Quantum science it is say that our observation affects the object being observed, it interacts with our desires. Observation affects reality. In a controlled experiment, researchers demonstrated how a beam of electrons is affected by the act of being observed. Our influence on our reality is limitless. Particles can also behave as waves and sound. Our vibrational signature is the electromagnetic field of who we are: body, mind and spirit. This vibrational energy that is us will attract energy similar to our own. When we tap a tuning fork near another of the same tone, both will vibrate; this is called the law of resonance. Our experiences correlate with the frequency we emanate. So, in this understanding, a happy person will attract happy people around, resonating at a similar frequency. A person with negative thoughts will be more inclined to surround herself/himself with a negative person, and so on. In raising our consciousness and vibration (awareness of our thoughts), our perceptions of the world will change, and we will transmute with it.
Sound Healing is a tool to transform our field and resonate to a higher frequency, using the law of resonance and matching our vibrational signature to the fundamental tone of the universe, the creative power of all that grows and all that breathes. Our brain pulses and vibrates like everything in this Universe. The brain pulse is measured like sound in cycles per second or Hertz. Sound healing can bypass the clutter of our thoughts, and the monkey jumping from branch to branch will quiet down. A still point can be created, and the brain waves can be entrained into a theta or delta "state of mind". At this point, energies are merged, and the field can be harmonized to All That Is, restored with balance and well-being. In this range of brain waves, one can merge with the mass consciousness of our planet and beyond, thus making a link to the Source and tapping into the limitless power of who we REALLY are: Multidimensional beings. All audible sound takes birth from the ocean of the unheard composition that is life (our reality). It is taking place within and without ourselves. We are the entire part of this symphony, the microcosmos mirroring the universe and the universe reflecting us in return.
The unstuck cord. The sound of silence.
Silence doesn't exist. The architectural make-up of our physical body leads us to believe otherwise. But as is the case in many aspects of our lives, things are not what they seem (appear) to be. "You must believe it to see it", William Blake reminded us. You have to believe in the subtle sound before being able to sense it, to hear it.
"We live in extraordinary times, where the veils of illusion are dropping down around our feet, letting our mind, and more so, our heart "à découvert" to be open, giving us a choice for a new world yet to be created. A new string to be struck, a new chord to be played."
We are still living in the midst of (re)discovering a whole new consciousness and "raison d'être" literarily translated as "reason of being". With the awareness of the vast vibrational world around us, our ears will expand to new frequencies. By feeling a more comprehensive range of sounds, our new resonance will match our new consciousness. Our living Mantra. This awareness alone opens the door to healing (from the root word of wholeness). From the center of our hearts, a 3rd Ear is now developing, and from our daily awareness comes a new dawn in human history. A recalibration is taking place naturally.
Nonjudgment, compassion, thinking from our hearts, and being attuned to the beauty and miracle of life help us position ourselves as allies to the forces of creation (Chi / Prana). Once our own frequencies match or resonate harmoniously with the natural order, we are making a conscious sound that will travel and ripple into our reality. This will result in true sound healing.
Within that silence, all the sounds of the universe harken to our souls. Wake up to your awakening; you are already there.
Benefits of a sound session, private or in group, workshops on sound awareness and SoundHealing Concerts.
Harmonization of the physical and psychic
Refocusing on the physical body and the mental body
Physical and mental balance
Spiking of nitric oxide
relaxation, Calmness of mind
Development of a quality of harmonious well-being
personal development
Normalization of blood pressure
Improving stress-related disorders and anxiety
Improved sleep
Balance of the immune system
Improved sense of hearing
Stimulation of energy
Decision Support, clarity of mind
Mental preparation (exams, contests, competitions)
Improved concentration and creativity