Sound ceremonies are created to channel a very high spiritual energy, so that we can bring forth healing for our participants. Based on cosmic influences and loving intention, we will focus on maturing and balancing our minds and hearts so that our inner masculine and inner feminine can come forward to hold space for ourselves and for each other as we experience continued massive changes in consciousness.
A new moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28-day cycle. This new moon gives an invigorating burst of energy and initiative. This is an excellent time for making a fresh start, turning over a new leaf, or starting a new project. You can also question old habits, behaviors, and beliefs as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.
This moon in Pisces can deepen romance, and may help you find the person of your dreams. But, there is also a risk of deception and disappointment.
$15 exchange. Inquiries: or 845 679 5650